Better Website Design Results in 3 Steps

If you’re planning to create a new website or improve your current one, don’t waste your time and effort by jumping straight to having it designed.

The three-step process will help optimize your website designs to make it easier to achieve your goals.


Step 1 – Clarify

Website Design

List down your goals for the website and what you hope to achieve with it.

Write down the content that you want the website to contain.

Include who your ideal visitors are, what type of actions they would take on your website, what information they would look for in it.


Step 2 – Plan

Website Design

Create a wireframe structure on how you plan to lay out all the information, images, forms, and buttons based on the information you’ve gathered on step one. Clarify the overall content and pages of your website through a sitemap. Build a mood board on how you would like your site to look.


Step 3 – Execute

You now have a clearer understanding of the site structure, content, and design direction. It makes it easier to work on the actual website design. There’s lesser back and forth needed since both the client’s and designer’s vision for the project have aligned in steps one and two.

The whole website design project experience becomes smoother and more collaborative with the three-step process. Your design now goes beyond aesthetics and is now goal and user-driven.


Need help with your website design? Let’s collaborate! 

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