Flyers or brochures?

If you’re not sure if you should use either flyers or brochures, especially if you have a limited budget, then check out their key differences in this post.

If you are in charge of a campaign for a specific locality and had to choose either a flyer or brochure as the marketing material, which one would you go with? or would you go for both if you had enough budget? Both of these are great for marketing your events, services, or products in a specific location.

Flyers or Brochures: Purpose



If you want to announce something or attract the attention of potential customers, then go for flyers.

If your purpose for the marketing material is to inform or educate your reader, you should go for a brochure.

Flyers or Brochures: Volume



If your content can fit into a single page without looking cluttered or forced, then go for a flyer. If it’s more than that, don’t force it and have your marketing asset as a brochure. Let your content breathe.

Flyers or Brochures: Time


Brochures are great for a captured audience. Imagine having to wait for your turn in a doctor’s clinic, and you have nothing better to do. You can place your marketing materials next to their seats.

Flyers, on the other hand, are geared towards people on the go. They don’t have enough time to read through long texts.

Key Difference Summary


We hope this helps you make a better decision with those three factors in mind. Share this with someone who you think might need this. You can also check out our blog on how to create an effective flyer for your business. 



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