How do you create a strong logo?

How do you create a strong logo?

How do you create a strong logo    

A solid logo design will last long since it can work on any application. It can also save you a lot of money since you don’t have to reprint and update your brand materials. So how do you do this?


Create a Strong logo by starting with a single-color design.

If it can work in plain black and white, it can work in any color. It makes the design easy to apply on embroideries and limited color prints.


Remove the unnecessary to create a strong logo

 How do you create a strong logo

A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add but when there is nothing left to take away. Antoine de Saint-Exupery


Mockup Test

See how the design works on small scales, like when used as a social media thumbnail. Create mockups as large prints on billboards or tote bags. Does it look good? If not, then adjust as necessary.


Competitor Comparison

Place your design beside your competitor’s logo. Does it have any similarities with the others? If yes, then adjust and make it more distinct.

These are simple and easy-to-do processes that can have a lot of impact on creating a solid logo design.

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