Personality-Based Logo Design Tips 

How you design your logo can create a certain type of impression to its viewers. The kind of impression they have will also vary based on who the viewer is. You can use certain kinds of colors, shapes, lines, and imagery to try to influence or control the kind of impression or the type of personality you would like your brand logo to have.

Below are some design tips on how you can apply different design styles to fit any of the five brand personality frameworks.


These are the type of brands that gives off down-to-earth, honest, wholesome, and cheerful vibes. Below are famous examples of brands that have a “Sincerity” brand personality.


Logo Personality Sincerity

Design Direction Tips:

• Shapes: Graceful curves and soft rounded edges.
• Colors:
Make use of light, relaxed, or muted colors.
• Fonts: Use small-caps text or script type.
• Graphics: Use imagery with positive connotations like the smile on Amazon.




These are the kind of brands that are daring, spirited, imaginative, and cutting-edge and you will notice that they are always at the forefront of their industry. Below are famous examples of brands that have an “Excitement” brand personality.


Logo Personality Excitement

Design Direction Tips:

• Shapes: Use sleek curves, pointed or diagonal shapes, and sharp edges.
• Colors: Use bold or serious colors like black or red.
• Fonts: Use futuristic-type or bold solid font styles.
• Imagery: You can use images or metaphors that have an exciting element to them like the bulls on Red Bull.



Most modern brands fall under this brand personality framework. They are positioned to be seen as reliable, intelligent, and successful. Below are famous examples of brands that have a “Competence” brand personality.


Logo Personality Competence

Design Direction Tips:

• Fonts: Go for sans-serif fonts. The simpler the better.
• Shapes: Use clean and simple shapes.
• Colors: Brands under this framework use hues of blues for trust but you can also use primary colors to break the monotony.
• Imagery: Use easy-to-identify images since these brands will be in the digital space and should be clear even when viewed on small scales or thumbnails. Examples of brands with easy-to-recognize imagery are Apple and Twitter.


These are brands that have an upper-class, traditional, and charming look and feel, and most of these luxury brands have positioned themselves to be in this band personality framework. Below are famous examples of brands that have a “Sophistication” brand personality.


Logo Personality Sophistication

Design Direction Tips:

• Shapes: Go with a minimalist design approach.
• Fonts: Thin and clean Serif or Sans-serif Fonts. The goal here is to look elegant and respectable.
• Colors: Lots of white space with colors used as an accent to give the brand and logo a touch of uniqueness and personality. This brand types us mostly in black, white, silver, or a touch of gold
• Imagery: Crowns and emblems are common since they signify royalty and prestige so try to use imagery that is associated with it.



These brands have outdoorsy, tough, and bold personalities. Their target audience loves exploring the world and being outdoors. Freedom is what they stand and crave for. Below are famous examples of brands that have a “Ruggedness” brand personality.



Design Direction Tips:

• Fonts: You can use Bold Slab-serif fonts for this.
• Colors: High contrasting dark and light colors.
• Shapes: Make use of thick bold shapes.
• Imagery: Outdoor imagery or shapes works best for this and you can also add some rugged texture to the graphics.

These are just some suggestions you can use for the visual part of your branding – the quality of your customer service, brand voice, and other brand components plays a role in shaping your brand’s perceived personality.

Need help creating your logo design? Learn more about our logo design services here!

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